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sorrow grieve mourning grief heartache heartbreak mourn heartrending melancholy bewail tragic spirit sinking heart heartbroken desolation heartbreaking sorrowful heart-rending night woe grievous heart-wrenching heavy heart agonized heavy melancholic tragedy break someone's heart brokenhearted one's heart bleeds for broken-hearted black dog agony lamentation my heart bleeds for sb blues Depression solace scar dolorous mad with rage/grief/pain etc regret numb poignant
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nervous breakdown bittersweet mickle lament pensive delight mournful distress plaintive wail heaviness gloomy astonishment big doleful dread howling gloom tristesse pity far much heavily alas brilliance sorry Gt thundering galore touching depressing glory sadly wistful darkness terrible terrific grandevity palpable bliss towering greet lickety-split almighty magnitude pathos legion high long felicity sentimental costly drear rare pathetic mighty bemoan ache precious heavy-hearted heroism prowess hecatomb splendor melancholia multitude joy highly GB mega- sadness British hard mega cry lot moving sigh infinite glee amazement mile con dolore shadow enormity relish hotfoot delectation dree gr. devilish fantastic emotion immensity neat gurt unsadden regrettable howl unhappy soulful powerful deep whimper broad largely great magni- posthaste keen deluge profuse ponderous dejection misery doldrums dear dreary oodles resounding antiquity humongous baby blues pain dump loneliness crocodile tears uphill out of sight no love lost macro- apocalypse deadly lofty sight Britannic momentous granduncle iniquity grandaunt hoary incalculable banging frightful madness colossal dreadful world cracking size wide fabulous terror desperate overwhelming havoc extreme myriad lots despondency groan emotional oh affecting mightily sorrowness further heave more in sorrow than in anger greatly radical farther cannonball struggle ghastly kill plangent self-pity mort bagful might flood omnipotent important numerous sentiment pine hilarity console great titmouse weep Great Hunger antidepressant sentimentality tearful lonely bonxie spectacular profundity profound premium penitence mourner gear wrath sadful glum awful sensational cosmic serious huge walloping remorse wellaway alack moan blue alas and alack damn exceeding supreme immortal signal gross honour significance Dane overjoyed balls-out multiplicity monumental blow-by-blow zeal grete grand jubilate verve affright white shark bale overflowingly gifted host stoor hardly mammoth fat shame triple ferocious phat panic pretty ardour score loathing surgical mortal rush legionary overlarge strong finesse dope crush house penguin quadruple richly potent sacred by far red spot super greater spotted woodpecker cardinal apoplexy abysmal desperately maha dearly real alack and alas nostalgia sympathize intent anguish joyful terrifying munificent particularly steamroll idolatry short that boffo exceedingly exacting thumping beyond measure estimable scourge farthest triumph heap major overmuch luxurious rejoicing clean up tomfool rich disastrous tough racer heroic far and wide wound torment raft fatal quantity lovingly hurtle in deep water eat up incredibly stupendous splurge puissance madly distraction like fury over gory avid stiff briton bloodcurdling ARM long-drawn Don extensive unhappiness moody piteous remorseless darken upset low spirits regretfully load pitiable give vent to weltschmerz the blues tragicalness depressingly regretful sadden long face despair desperation hard/tough as nails consolation sink angst complain dirge shade rue slough hurt feelings cloud self-controlled lift regrettably pine away downcast sombre grim bitter Pyrenean mountain dog arctic penguin torchwort altitude Great White Father blue lobelia whisking hurry bomb surpassing kaku buffalo weed O Antiphon larger duckweed great pock kinghead missionary zeal star chickweed splendent intoxication Highland pipe eight–foot octave riches slamming mammonic particular decent crying affluentness magic great-grandsire hedge willow little go lyricism Gt Brit gold giant ragweed garefowl gallon gnarly mirth valor American egret fearful overgreat sublime saltwater muskellunge swingeing raving picuda fiendish artistry mad stark substantial skill common mullein deference valour class haste Triangle of Mars defectuosity saw sharpener becuna celerity grandific sea tiger water flaxseed rosebay rhododendron hearty solitary snipe horse cane extraordinary double snipe cuda great pox blue cardinal flower abomination move pall time heals all wounds heigh–ho cork sth up commiserate a lump in the throat a lump in your throat baby blue inspire schmaltzy move to the shadow/shadows of something tear-jerker sob story mirthless soul rheumy plumb black hole overshadow penitent sympathy sentimentalism psychological pitiful disappointment elegy elegiac bitter-sweet aloed self-control happy-sad time is a/the great healer take something out on someone lugubrious soft-centred treacly feel for sb hysterics moved movingly unwelcome affliction terrifically post-haste productive wan rift valley valuable reed thrush sunrise pump slapdash slick like water gravity Great Father rack rangy stratospheric many need lashing trek full beleaguered piggery small luxuriate enchantment chargeably gustard overhaste fresh difficulty hell biblically vital hazardous juey Basin Ranges disparity bloodbath bloodweed vastly breathtaking boss mulatto land crab measureless burning chancellor feelingly under the gun extensively famine swartback fast from afar (to) no end white crab white heron white land crab white pointer stink much to someone's regret determined hands-down immanity high-risk overload illustrious immense swear like a trooper lekker loud high-priority persnickety post helter-skelter intense ventripotent a whale of a time devastation Britain vast distressed urgently operose tor megalo- backbreaking sorely landslide aspic infest blissful extensional blue pointer abundant blooming sally black rush earthquake gallop skilful glowing go far fit to bust caution thick fundamental GMTA engreaten very herculean headlong goose gull seismic shift cool large marvellous devotion miˈnutely heavenly funky precipitate gr such sumptuous voluminous whole large–flowered wake–robin lashings magna cum laude cataclysm necessity poor joe captivating fierce excited renown roaring success soft–stem bulrush explosion woundy wreak havoc velvet plant postpartum depression dirty go supernatural labouringly spread like wildfire delectable jubilation miserable man ape palm cockatoo overdue pied woodpecker really inestimable tongue-pad Albion ardor army high-impact crucial equator in large/no small measure warmly boot grouse demon elation spectral owl groovy tourlourou distinction vim eminent even fertile exigent monstrous austere beast Great Dividing Range God's plenty fourfold hard-fought GBP gasconader hugely macro loaded opulence rejoice slipshod strait strenuous stagger revelation goodly rousing widely wise tore super-duper masses sore helter–skelter penury long shot charged skilfully revel seismic tremendous unconscionable love bloodthirsty mat rush mogul wild hemp billow bad ball lunacy marvy woodcock snipe lickety–split endless overrun total high-up phenomenal threefold throng lakh royal rumbullion starkly steamroller steamy stupefaction tender-hearted epic Grimsby force Fire of London fascinating round super-strength carefully schism furthest hare greater crested tern import proˌlifeˈration in large measure (or part) like anything jorum half primer high–wire hit grueling heal–all hard–won key ieroe enormous long-drawn-out magnate tall Jacob's–staff horde in buckets gracious besayle crowned renownful prodigious provexity density parson gull all–out Continental Divide lust blue crane brio pile large crested tern wonderment sloppy solemn white death shark way exult frabjous flounder flush horny jemmy oceanic mettlesome ascetic candescent convulse haphazard lively interest tight whopping winning bahadur line likely booming barrier reef a crying shame king auk fiery mastery particularity crested tern regale worship shock horror! unmerciful store polished side-splitting no mean achievement/feat intellectual meritorious plentiful epidemic forensically in strength incomputable like (or for) grim death hag's taper lady's foxglove genius gone hell's half acre earthshaking good cutting zest condole your heart aches unmoved ululate nonce loss abandon compassion nationalism sharpshooting dynamism Glen More grand-nephew grand-niece grand-uncle flatstick win out calamitous devoted far-flung granite furious goddess ecstasy gargantuan in force onerous iron labour grandeur ravage Elysium demanding magisterial feverish uncommon stack jaw–dropping influential meaningful enthusiastic shrank launch scad arm-gret grave nice outbray nile rouser a (or the) world of assiduously at large arduous Armageddon brutality big-ticket ram exertion roast delighted acrophobia broil behemoth ecstatic swear steep thorough deeply hulking glorious quarely intensive mat-rush more ripsnorting orient twofold treasure-trove thousand superflux telling saddleback sage severely smoking shambles worshipful keeper of the broad seal tirelessly macrocosm overweening spring tide plenitude soar rosebay surge sweat blood severe world-shaking massive titanic

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Words For "great sadness"

As you've probably noticed, words for "great sadness" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "great sadness" are: sorrow, grieve, mourning, grief, and heartache. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to great sadness listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "great sadness" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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